Saturday, September 17, 2011


Jodhpur - The Blue City - 3Jodhpur - The Blue City - 5Jodhpur - The Blue City - 1Jodhpur - The Blue City - 2Jodhpur - The Blue City - 6Jodhpur Rickshaw
Hotel Karni Bhavan - 1Hotel Karni Bhavan - 2Hotel Karni Bhavan - 3Hotel Karni Bhavan - 4Hotel Karni Bhavan - 5

Jodhpur, a set on Flickr.

Jodphur was a rough stop for our tour. I mean the city is beautiful; you can see from the pictures why it is called the Blue City. But by now India was starting to win the war. Only 14 (out of 20) of us were fit enough to tour on the first morning. We had experienced the train ride from hell the previous evening, arriving after 11:00 on a 5 1/2 train ride with no working A/C.

But the hotel was beautiful and comfy - the most luxurious accommodations so far. And we had a couple of adventures when the bus stopped at a a post office and a clerk would only sell each person the exact number of stamps that corresponded to the number of number of post cards you had ready to mail. Carol left hers in our luggage so she was out of luck. And there was the now usual problem of finding a working ATM. Not to mention our bus driver pissing off the cops, getting a ticket and being made to head out of town.

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